This post, Healthcare Facilities Discover Pain Relief For the Datacenter, first appeared on People who work at healthcare facilities suffer from pains of their own, and the source of the pain may surprise you. It is kind of pain has nothing to do with the human body, and the relief cannot come from the medical staff. It’s the pain of managing an aging IT infrastructure. IT administrators have a tough time in healthcare datacenters […]
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Good Incident Response Plans Are a Must
This post, Good Incident Response Plans Are a Must, first appeared on Tom Walsh, founder and managing partner of tw-Security, a health care privacy and information security firm in Overland Park, Kansas, related an incident that shows how the best intentions can go wrong. A small health care clinic that was acquired by a larger group had not switched to the purchaser’s medical records system. The clinic had a ransomware breach on a Friday afternoon, […]
Read MoreCloud for healthcare presses on but is slowed by HIPAA anxiety
This post, Cloud for healthcare presses on but is slowed by HIPAA anxiety, first appeared on Facing mounting pressure to take steps toward the healthcare cloud, hospital systems find themselves balancing modern infrastructure trends with HIPAA safeguards. Imagine a mortgage company telling a household it was too slow in moving to the cloud: Cut the cable cord and start streaming! Buy a smart speaker to order pizza! Have backyard security cameras upload footage to […]
Read MoreAre your vendors HIPAA compliant? Find out before it’s too late
This post, Are your vendors HIPAA compliant? Find out before it’s too late, first appeared on Organizations operating within dentistry and the healthcare industry more generally face constant regulatory pressure at the federal and state levels. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), for example, sets rules relating to the safeguarding of protected health information (PHI) that significantly impact the way organizations collect, store, and transmit their patients’ medical data. Failure to abide by […]
Read MoreLabCorp’s Network Security Breach May Have Exposed PHI of Millions
This post, LabCorp’s Network Security Breach May Have Exposed PHI of Millions, first appeared on After recently dodging a legal bullet over an alleged HIPAA violation, LabCorp is now facing a network security breach that forced the North Carolina-based laboratory diagnostics firm to shut down its IT network, possibly placing PHI of millions of people at risk. By Fred Donovan July 17, 2018 – After recently dodging a legal bullet over an alleged HIPAA violation, […]
Read MoreHow to Ensure Your Healthcare Cloud Storage Stays HIPAA Compliant
This post, How to Ensure Your Healthcare Cloud Storage Stays HIPAA Compliant, first appeared on As healthcare professionals continue to embrace digital technologies to safeguard their patients’ information, there is an industrywide need to ensure digital ecosystems are compliant with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. This is particularly true as healthcare providers pivot to cloud storage, in addition to on-premises options. This move can help them prepare for precision medicine and population […]
Read MoreHospital Hit with $4.3 Million Fine for “Snail’s Pace” HIPAA Compliance
This post, Hospital Hit with $4.3 Million Fine for “Snail’s Pace” HIPAA Compliance, first appeared on Healthcare organizations take note: not following your own data security rules can be costly, very costly. And the more time it takes to comply, the faster the fines stack up. An administrative law judge recently upheld the fourth largest HIPAA fine – a $4.3 million penalty – issued to the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center for not following […]
Read More2018 HIPAA Compliance: How to Keep Your ePHI Protected
This post, 2018 HIPAA Compliance: How to Keep Your ePHI Protected, first appeared on There has been quite a fuss lately over offering patients greater access to their health records, particularly with the introduction of Apple’s EHR app, which promises to bring electronic health records into patients’ pockets and introduce the era of bring-your-own-data in healthcare. But often that desire to bring patients into the fold gets quashed by a fear of cybersecurity and HIPAA […]
Read MoreProactive ways to prevent improper pharmaceutical disposal
This post, Proactive ways to prevent improper pharmaceutical disposal, first appeared on As the use of pharmaceuticals in long-term care facilities increases, so does the need for proper management of its waste. With the potential to cause harm for facilities, their residents and the environment, it is imperative that LTC owners and operators understand the current regulatory environment and best practices for pharmaceutical waste. A recent Associated Press investigation found that hospitals and LTC […]
Read More1.13M Records Exposed by 110 Healthcare Data Breaches in Q1 2018
This post, 1.13M Records Exposed by 110 Healthcare Data Breaches in Q1 2018, first appeared on Around 1.13 million patient records were compromised in 110 healthcare data breaches in the first quarter of 2018, according to data released May 3 in the Protenus Breach Barometer. Healthcare insiders were most likely to snoop on family members—a whopping 77.10 percent of privacy violations in the first quarter. Snooping on fellow co-workers was the second most common insider […]
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